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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jolly Pumpkin: Oro De Calabaza

Last night I finished my last Jolly Pumkin. I originally purchased three different 750's and a single mentioned here.

Here's a quick review of their Oro de Calabaza:
color: straw to yellow with big, puffy, billowy head like duvel.
aroma: belgian characteristic, candy sugar, tart, fruit, wood? or was I expecting that...
taste: carbonation, tart/sour belgian goldon strong, pineapple and subtle wood
after: wood (subtle), dry
overall: I like my goldon strongs straight up and drinkable: prankster, duvel, and damnation.
While this is a very well made beer, all of the Jolly Pumpkin beers are well made beers, I don't like the play between wood and the golden strong style. I like the golden strong style straight up, smooth, and drinkable. There is a reason that it is known as a great "hair of the dog" beer. A little tart is interesting but also takes a little away from what I like from the style. I have to say my favorite Jolly so far has been the Noel beer. They avoided the typical holiday jacked up spice route and went with subtle cherries and wood with nice malt (as I recall). I just remember enjoying the hell out of that beer. La Roja is very nice as well. Of the three Jollies i've had, here is my personal ranking:
  1. noel de calabaza
  2. la roja
  3. oro de calabaza add, I like the subtleness of the Jolly Pumpkin beers. It seems like wood beers these days tend to be over the top, too much wood. The tartness is to my liking as well (not too over the top). I would definitely drink these beers more if they were easier to get out here.

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