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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Reminder of Trader Joes prices...

With the increase in beer prices this year, it's always good to keep in your head what beer prices are at Trader Joes as they probably will not be beat in pricing....I assume they negotiate good deals because they are buying large quatities for their stores.
They don't have a large selection but they do have some key companies. I didn't include the German beers (I need to do that) or Chimay, since I am not a big fan of Chimay....but I believe it was 7.99 for a 750ml of red label. The following are six pack prices:
Anderson Valley Brewing Co., Hop Ottin' IPA and Boont Amber: 7.49
Mendocino Brewing Co., Red Tail Ale and White Hawk IPA: 6.99
North Coast Brewing Co., Acme IPA and Pale 6.79
Full Sail Brewing Co., Pale Ale and Amber: 5.99

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